September Giving campaign
We love our school. We love our kids. We love our educators. As a parent, we love it when our child comes home happy and excited, full of stories about the newest, coolest thing they experienced that day. For your child, that might mean finally unlocking an IXL achievement, or being jazzed about an upcoming play they get to attend. For another, it might be getting to test out new equipment in PE class, do a daring Mystery Science experiment, or earn a foot during Running Club. For another, it might be A Battle of the Books epic showdown, or a visionary creative session with a visiting Artist in Residence.
What do all of these things have in common?
They are all supported and paid for by the Ponderosa PTA.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to help support the specific things you love in a meaningful way? This fall, the Ponderosa PTA is asking our families to participate in the September Giving campaign and help sponsor a PTA funded program that means something to you or your Porcupine. Here is a list of some of the programs you can help support:
Direct Classroom Grants
Educational Field Trips
Running Club
Student Snack Grant
Mystery Science and Science Enrichment Grants
Green Team
Visiting Artist in Residence
Bullying Prevention
Battle of the Books
Physical Education Equipment
Art Enrichment
Family Fun Events (Movie Night, Glass Night, Juniper Swim, etc.)
Teacher Appreciation
Please, help support the programs that mean something to you.
You can make your donation here online, or do so at the school on the bulletin board. If you make your donation online, send us an email at [email protected] with the name of the program you'd like to support.
We will fill out an apple with the PTA Program designation of your choice and add it to the tree located at the school!